Month: January 2014

A Clockwork Affair | Chapter One

Resize-Wizard-26A long time ago, I was a doctor. “Doctor Hyde Hannibal” was a household name in Midnight Hollow; I was good at my job, I had amazing bedside manner, and I was one of the last surviving doctors who actually performed house calls. I even volunteered at the local college to help teach young medical students, earning me the nickname “Professor.” I was a successful do gooder and I was happy.

Until tragedy struck. Continue

So, this is what happens whenever my sim attempts to use the steampunk laptop …



Weirdly enough, this is the creepiest I’ve ever seen Mads/Hannibal … xD Also, that book isn’t on a halo around his head, it’s on a table behind him. The camera was at a weird angle.

Sneek peek … “A Clockwork Affair”

My next sim story is titled “A Clockwork Affair” and is going to be … well … weird!

Resize-Wizard-1 Resize-Wizard-2Meet Professor Hyde Hannibal and his … “companion” Ashelia. They have an odd relationship; mainly because Ashelia has no idea who she is or where she came from. All she knows is Hyde, who holds the answers to her past. The only question is will he be willing to give them up?

Ashelia is all mine, but the amazing Mads Mikkelsen sim is NOT mine and can be found here at ModTheSims.

Leap of Faith | Chapter Two

Resize-Wizard-1After a long flight with lots of tiny bottles of alcohol to steady my nerves, I finally arrived in Aurora Skies – right in the middle of a hail storm. The cab dropped me off in front of my new home and as badly as I wanted to try and take in the sights around me, I knew I had to get indoors before I ended up with a concussion. Continue …