Author: simsofanarchy

Writing + fandom + babble.

I am risen!


Sort of XD While I’m working to save the content from my dead laptop, I’m working on some new games that I’ll hopefully get to share pics and stories from here. I’ve also started a new BMTL that you can find here. And if you’re into Instagram, I plan on being more active on my Simstagram in the coming week or so.

Happy Simming! 

A Clockwork Affair | Chapter Four


I was dreaming of Alessa.

We were standing in a field, and she was running to me while calling my name, a smile spread across her beautiful face. A face I thought I would never see again. I opened my arms to receive her, when suddenly Alessa was gone. Ashelia took her place, only Ashelia wasn’t smiling – she was crying.


Update – please read!

Ever since Queen told me she was starting to run low on space for her BMTL “Awaken”, which is hosted at WordPress, I got a little worried. However, she let me know that Blogger/Blogspot has unlimited space for images, and even though my BMTL is only two chapters in so far, I know that later on down the road it’s going to be pretty image heavy. So I decided to move it there before I got any further into it on here. “Swept Away” can now be found at it’s very on blog! Also, there’s a new chapter up 🙂

I’ll keep everything else here, cos I like this blog a lot, and I plan on hosting downloads eventually whenever I have the patience to fight with my internet long enough to get everything uploaded and take some screenshots.

Enjoy some Hyde and Ashelia 😛



BMTL | Swept Away | Chapter Two


After the genie worked his magic, a feeling came over me that I couldn’t place at first.

Then it hit me – I was human again. Well, a living human again.

It was the oddest thing in the world to me. I had been so used to being a ghost, used to that feeling of floating emptiness and cold. Now I was warm, solid. Breathing. I felt my heart beating in my chest and knew it was real.

The only question I had was; “what now?”


A Clockwork Affair | Chapter Three


~Ashelia’s POV~

I had never been happier with my life. At least, I didn’t think so. Granted, I couldn’t remember anything about my life, but surely, it couldn’t have been better than it was now. Obviously if I had lead a happy, meaningful life full of love and laughter, someone would have come to find me and claim me, wouldn’t they? That’s how I looked at it. So maybe my accident wasn’t a bad thing. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Because I was happy, and I didn’t want anything to change.

I liked the house I stayed in, and I liked the hobbies I had picked up. Painting was the best feeling in the world, and I loved to learn. Thankfully, my savior – and housemate – was very accommodating when it came to everything I was interested in.


BMTL | Swept Away | Chapter One


I am a ghost. This I know to be a fact.

Obviously, I haven’t always been a ghost. I used to be a happily married man with a beautiful wife and dreams of a family, of owning my own art studio, of putting out an acoustic album of catchy indie songs.

That all changed when I had my accident.

I don’t remember the details. I don’t remember how it happened or why. I just remember falling. Falling into a deep abyss of sharp needles and cold hands.

I just remember falling and drowning, never to open my eyes again.

Until I was already six feet under.

The first time I woke as a ghost, I was afraid. Startled. Confused. I didn’t remember dying. But then it all came to me in a flash and broke my heart all over again. Click for more

A Clockwork Affair | Chapter Two


I awoke the next morning and got dressed as I normally did. A part of me wondered if the previous night had all been a dream; a hallucination brought on by my lack of sleep and my jumbled mind. But the realistic part of me knew I was grasping for straws. I remembered it all too well; the feeling of unnatural wrongness still clung to my skin like perfume.

I knew I had to face it eventually. On my way out of the bedroom, I stopped and stared at the door that lead to that room. I remembered the day I installed the door with my very own hands, because the room it lead to held such promise and happiness for me. For us.

I shook my head to clear it. I had bigger things to think about now.


A Clockwork Affair | Chapter One

Resize-Wizard-26A long time ago, I was a doctor. “Doctor Hyde Hannibal” was a household name in Midnight Hollow; I was good at my job, I had amazing bedside manner, and I was one of the last surviving doctors who actually performed house calls. I even volunteered at the local college to help teach young medical students, earning me the nickname “Professor.” I was a successful do gooder and I was happy.

Until tragedy struck. Continue