Month: February 2014

BMTL | Swept Away | Chapter One


I am a ghost. This I know to be a fact.

Obviously, I haven’t always been a ghost. I used to be a happily married man with a beautiful wife and dreams of a family, of owning my own art studio, of putting out an acoustic album of catchy indie songs.

That all changed when I had my accident.

I don’t remember the details. I don’t remember how it happened or why. I just remember falling. Falling into a deep abyss of sharp needles and cold hands.

I just remember falling and drowning, never to open my eyes again.

Until I was already six feet under.

The first time I woke as a ghost, I was afraid. Startled. Confused. I didn’t remember dying. But then it all came to me in a flash and broke my heart all over again. Click for more

A Clockwork Affair | Chapter Two


I awoke the next morning and got dressed as I normally did. A part of me wondered if the previous night had all been a dream; a hallucination brought on by my lack of sleep and my jumbled mind. But the realistic part of me knew I was grasping for straws. I remembered it all too well; the feeling of unnatural wrongness still clung to my skin like perfume.

I knew I had to face it eventually. On my way out of the bedroom, I stopped and stared at the door that lead to that room. I remembered the day I installed the door with my very own hands, because the room it lead to held such promise and happiness for me. For us.

I shook my head to clear it. I had bigger things to think about now.
