
So, this is what happens whenever my sim attempts to use the steampunk laptop …



Weirdly enough, this is the creepiest I’ve ever seen Mads/Hannibal … xD Also, that book isn’t on a halo around his head, it’s on a table behind him. The camera was at a weird angle.

Update — Back from the dead!!

So, I promise I didn’t let this  blog die out of disinterest. My laptop decided to be a complete and total doucheburger, and my disk drive fried out on me! I didn’t stop Simming though, as I was able to play on my sister’s desktop, and now I get to have my own games on her old laptop, which works perfectly except for a battery issue. As long as I keep it plugged in, it’s fine. I currently have The Sims 3, Ambitions, and Pets installed.

Once I got Ambitions installed, I made a new family to play around with – The Spencer family, Autumn and Casey. Casey joined the firefighter profession, while Autumn became a private investigator. They have a cat named Tugger, and a set of triplets – Arwen, Ashelia, and Argent. Sadly, I’m not all that attached to this family =/ I doubt I’ll be blogging much about them anyway since I won’t be able to keep track from the beginning, but I did want to post these screenshots I took while Autumn was supposedly “dusting for fingerprints” … it looks like she’s dusting for somethin’ else, amIrite?



Maybe it’s immature of me, but I found it greatly amusing xD

Anyway, I’ll hopefully start a new family with some challenges that I’ll love. I’m a little bitter because my all-time favourite game I’ve ever had is on my sister’s desktop, and I would LOVE to blog about it, but I didn’t take any screenshots or take notes of anything, and it’s been going on for a while. I made a sim named Persephone and married her off to the Apaloosa townie named Edison ( can’t remember his last name). They were so much fun, and the kids were great. Plus, I stuck with Edison being a criminal! Once he became Emperor of Evil though, Persephone would boo him and that got my nerves (I was like, you marred him knowing he was a criminal, what’s the problem?!) so I let him quit his job and become a scientist. I can’t recall if they’re on their third or fourth batch of kids … My Sims are like rabbits.

Anyway, just wanted to update. Hopefully this weekend I’ll get some challenges worked out and create a family that doesn’t drive me bonkers!! (Seriously, Casey … stop trying to force treats down the cats throat … HE ISN’T HUNGRY)