
I am risen!


Sort of XD While I’m working to save the content from my dead laptop, I’m working on some new games that I’ll hopefully get to share pics and stories from here. I’ve also started a new BMTL that you can find here. And if you’re into Instagram, I plan on being more active on my Simstagram in the coming week or so.

Happy Simming! 

Update – please read!

Ever since Queen told me she was starting to run low on space for her BMTL “Awaken”, which is hosted at WordPress, I got a little worried. However, she let me know that Blogger/Blogspot has unlimited space for images, and even though my BMTL is only two chapters in so far, I know that later on down the road it’s going to be pretty image heavy. So I decided to move it there before I got any further into it on here. “Swept Away” can now be found at it’s very on blog! Also, there’s a new chapter up 🙂

I’ll keep everything else here, cos I like this blog a lot, and I plan on hosting downloads eventually whenever I have the patience to fight with my internet long enough to get everything uploaded and take some screenshots.

Enjoy some Hyde and Ashelia 😛



Update — Back from the dead!!

So, I promise I didn’t let this  blog die out of disinterest. My laptop decided to be a complete and total doucheburger, and my disk drive fried out on me! I didn’t stop Simming though, as I was able to play on my sister’s desktop, and now I get to have my own games on her old laptop, which works perfectly except for a battery issue. As long as I keep it plugged in, it’s fine. I currently have The Sims 3, Ambitions, and Pets installed.

Once I got Ambitions installed, I made a new family to play around with – The Spencer family, Autumn and Casey. Casey joined the firefighter profession, while Autumn became a private investigator. They have a cat named Tugger, and a set of triplets – Arwen, Ashelia, and Argent. Sadly, I’m not all that attached to this family =/ I doubt I’ll be blogging much about them anyway since I won’t be able to keep track from the beginning, but I did want to post these screenshots I took while Autumn was supposedly “dusting for fingerprints” … it looks like she’s dusting for somethin’ else, amIrite?



Maybe it’s immature of me, but I found it greatly amusing xD

Anyway, I’ll hopefully start a new family with some challenges that I’ll love. I’m a little bitter because my all-time favourite game I’ve ever had is on my sister’s desktop, and I would LOVE to blog about it, but I didn’t take any screenshots or take notes of anything, and it’s been going on for a while. I made a sim named Persephone and married her off to the Apaloosa townie named Edison ( can’t remember his last name). They were so much fun, and the kids were great. Plus, I stuck with Edison being a criminal! Once he became Emperor of Evil though, Persephone would boo him and that got my nerves (I was like, you marred him knowing he was a criminal, what’s the problem?!) so I let him quit his job and become a scientist. I can’t recall if they’re on their third or fourth batch of kids … My Sims are like rabbits.

Anyway, just wanted to update. Hopefully this weekend I’ll get some challenges worked out and create a family that doesn’t drive me bonkers!! (Seriously, Casey … stop trying to force treats down the cats throat … HE ISN’T HUNGRY)


Hello all!

So, I’ve been playing The Sims 3 a lot lately and watching my friend Queen put together blogs for stories of her Sims and stuff. Well, hers is really super organised and I know I’m too patient to be that way, so I decided to put together a blog for just random Sims stories and images and crazy things my Sims do. I’ll tag each different story as their own thing so it shouldn’t be too hard to find them and you won’t get them confused. Hopefully I’ll remember to update this every once in a while 😀